NSW 9er Association Member, partnering with the 18’ League and WSC as the Organising Authority we welcome all 29ers, 49er FX and 49ers to the upcoming NSW 9ers Sydney Harbour Grand Prix commencing Sunday the 2nd June being held at  Woollahra Sailing Club.

This will be a 33 race series with a $2,000.00 cash prize pool

Entry $25 per boat for a casual entry or $125 for the full series

The first warning signal on each day of racing will be 0800 (Dates 2 June – 18 August) then we push back to 1330 (Dates 8 September – 29 September) 

A “whats app” group will be established for communications on race days to assist with “getting on the water” with the variable weather conditions and early rising

To view the NOR and register, click the “Blue Button” at the top of this page

Please note the NSW 9er Association has 29ers and 49ers available for “hire” at WSC on race days on a “first come first served basis” so if you require a “rental” 9er please email [email protected] to inquire on availability by clicking on the


Red Button” at the bottom of this page